These strategies will help you operate a better business that is more attractive to future buyers and investors – even in turbulent times!

One of a business leader’s goal’s is to create shareholder value while keeping options open to sustain, grow, and protect your organization and the choices available to you.  While you may have no plan to sell in the near term – operating and growing your business as if you are getting ready for an acquirer will help you add considerable value AND reveal a multitude of options you may not have considered. You never know if, or when, there may come a knock on your door.

This session will help you understand the areas in your business that can make it more interesting to acquirers or potential investors and identify which growth strategies will yield the highest ROI. We’ll also help you understand risk areas – allowing you to prioritize which parts of your business need attention now.    You will walk away with:

  • Tips for increasing financial sustainability for the long term (for you or a future buyer) through diversification, greater market share, potential synergies and cost reductions.
  • Red flags that will set potential investors or partners running
  • Practical tips for creating a saleable business in a turbulent economy and the best positioning to investors
  • How the current environment is impacting PEs approach to investing (supply chain issues, talent shortages, high interest rates, etc.) and how it may impact the future saleability of your business.