Eligible for 1 CPD BC Law Society credit

Exploring Management Buyouts, Partnerships with Minority Investors and Partial Divestitures

COVID has prompted a surge in non-traditional M&A deal structures, accelerated deals and rapid changes in business needs and opportunities. After this rollercoaster ride – perhaps you want to de-risk your business, while still maintaining control?

There are a number of transition options that aren’t reliant on a large amount of cash, and can take a variety of different forms, such as a management buyout or buy-in (MBO/MBI), acquiring minority stakes or entering cooperative arrangements through joint ventures, alliances, or partnerships as a success strategy.  

This session will cover topics such as: 

  • Strategies for MBO/MBI or minority investments
  • Different types of financing options to increase cash flow and growth opportunities 
  • Factors to consider if an alternate financing structure can help you grow 
  • Trends in alternative deal structures that don’t require a total sale of your business