Richard Ouellette

Richard Ouellette

Co-Founder, Karma & Cents Inc.

Richard is a serial entrepreneur having started and successfully exited from a number of companies in the technology and environment industries. Throughout his career, Richard has been involved in starting or growing non-profits that focus on technology, science and engineering in jurisdictions in BC, Alberta, and NWT.

Having co-founded Karma & Cents (K&C) in 2017, Richard’s focus has been applying his decades of strategic process’ into a Social Impact Lab. K&C’s aim is to help families, family enterprises, and businesses move from a traditional philanthropy model, to Philanthropy 3.0. Philanthropy 3.0 is a combination of strategic giving, social impact investing and attaining a deeper understanding of social issues in our communities.

Richard is part of what Jay Hughes calls, the Rising Generation – that demographic who are part of the growing body of inheritors who are looking at their wealth from a social and financial perspective. They bring their combined life and businesses experiences of working with families, managing charities and non-profits and growing businesses into the conversation.