Dave Sinclair

Dave Sinclair

President, Business Transitions Plus

Dave has been fortunate to live an entrepreneur’s dream. He has worked in a multinational corporation as a Partner & General Manager, successfully built and sold another small business, negotiated buying, and selling other businesses, and spent years studying as a transition planning consultant.

Dave started Business Transitions Plus to fulfill his passion for helping organizations uncover their hidden value. Over the years, he has guided many businesses to become their best possible selves. By first helping the business owner identify what their ideal life looks like a plan can be put in place to make sure the business can be set up for a successful transition by ensuring the business is less reliant on any one individual, and more process driven. This not only provides for the business owner once they sell, but also enables the owner to start living a more balanced life while they are still involved.

Dave is family man, avid outdoorsman, enjoys running, cycling, hiking, and his dogs.

Dave has experience operating under clear skies or severe thunderstorms—he knows what it takes to succeed in any condition, and he’s eager to bring that experience to you.